Operating in shipbuilding industry, Sefine Denizcilik Tersanecilik Turizm Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. ("Sefine Shipyard") aims to support sustainable growth and development with its operations. Caring reflecting its sustainability approach to its employees and fields in which it operates, human rights is a primary subject for Sefine Shipyard.

With this policy, Sefine Shipyard aims;

  • To act in compliance with the local legislation on working conditions in force in the countries in which it operates,
  • To continue its operations in accordance with the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to which Turkey is a party,
  • To act in accordance with the relevant local laws on forced and child labor and the international agreements in this field to which Turkey is a party,
  • Not to discriminate, to respect the rights of employees to organize and collective bargaining,
  • Not to discriminate against employees due to issues such as language, religion, gender, ethnicity, marital status, age, in matters such as but not limited to promotion, remuneration, fringe benefits, paid and unpaid leaves during their recruitment processes and throughout their careers,
  • To adopt a zero-tolerance policy regarding all kinds of discrimination and physical, sexual, psychological and/or emotional abuse,
  • To care about human rights and to provide a decent work environment, to take the necessary actions to provide a healthy and safe working environment to the employees,
  • To support the career and personal development of employees,
  • To respect the rights granted to local communities in the countries where it operates,
  • To consider the expectations of the stakeholders, to give importance to stakeholder participation, and to establish long-term relationships with stakeholders,
  • To expect subcontractors, suppliers, and service providers to act in accordance with human rights, to make necessary warnings when any violations are noticed.